Hace poco estaba platicando con mi morrito y no se porque empezamos a hablar de topos yo le dije que habia un topo que tenia la nariz bien pirata, asi como de estrella y no me creía , entonces le dije, a si entonces vo a buscar una foto de ese topo y la publicaré en mi blog. Y lo hice. Aqui esta:
Aaaaa verdaa´!!!!
Es un topo de nariz estrellada.
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¿Quieres que se muestre una imagen junto con tu comentario?, acá te digo como poner un avatar. ¡Gracias por tu comentario!
que feo animal!! wakala!! iuuu qe askoo!! qe feoo!! vomiito!! aghhh
¿paraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sirve su nariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?¿que comen?
Si no me equivoco, comen lombrices y su nariz es como una manita, lo andan tentando todo mientras exploran :D
Buenas noches. Debido a algfan mitvoo ya no coinciden los modulos que se descargan con las versiones indicadas, estoy en lo correcto o yo estoy haciendo algo mal?Un saludo.
Things like the list poition shifter are great and is something usually reserved for a snippet of JQuery. I really do think in the future when CSS3/HTML5 have matured the life of web developer will be a lot simplier for many things
I was actually on the edge of my seat at the theater when Rachel and Batman were sprawled on the car hood, and he’s calmly asking her if she’s alright, and she’s taking her damn time responding, and all the while I’m thinking the Joker is going to, like, THROW A GUEST out the window after them, so I was cringing through the scene, waiting for a body to splat next to them. Although, I suppose what happened was the Joker and co. just went rushing out of the penthouse to get down to the street and get to Batman, and being Batman, he was gone by the time they got there.